Character/Logo + Pixel Art

I’ve been lucky enough to work on some fun jobs lately. Unfortunately, I can’t show them all, but here’s a couple of the pieces that I can.

Less Energy LogoLess Energy Banner-01

These are for a Youtube channel called Less energy. The guy was cool, not picky, and very easy to work with. Here’s the review he gave me:

“I got Jumping Monkey to do some YouTube artwork for me. His work is very affordable and really professional. He understood what I wanted and delivered a better product than I could have imagined.” 
-William, Upcoming YouTuber
You can email me at if you want to commission your own work.
Pixel warrior final
Here’s a pixel drawing I did as a test for another job. I always looked down on pixel art, but now I get the appeal. It’s REALLY addicting. And actually very easy once I figured out the resolution. The program I used for this, and probably other pixel art in the future, is called Affinity Photo, which has a special pixel tool that makes the process much faster and simpler.
Make sure to follow if you like my work. Thanks for reading!

2 thoughts on “Character/Logo + Pixel Art

  1. Love the logo work.
    The expression and posture is perfect.

    It’s crazy how recognizable pixel art is, you’d think you wouldn’t be able to determine what the figures/characters were, but you can. It’s a real testament to the power of minimalism and how our brains work.

    1. Thanks, man! It’s funny, every time I create a sad looking character, I end up overdoing it. It has happened a bunch of times and I keep having to tweak the drawing to make the character look less depressed. I’m starting to think it’s because I have a habit of dropping the brow/lids too low over the eyes.
      Pixel art is incredible. The only problem with it I had is when I tried making a second character, without raising the resolution I felt restricted. Like there weren’t enough options. And at a certain point when raising the resolution, it isn’t really pixel art anymore.

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